

Why hospitals keep physicians and providers with lots of bad outcomes

Two factors may incentivize retention over patient safety

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Hospitalized patients are particularly at risk during this time period

Doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses all need good hand-off communications

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Painter Law Firm secures $1,700,000 settlement in bariatric weight loss surgery medical malpractice claim

It took six months from hiring the firm to final settlement

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Complications that pay out up to $10 million in bariatric weight loss surgeries

Death is the number 1 bariatric complication leading to a medical malpractice claim

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Neurosurgeons face class action lawsuit alleging unnecessary spine surgeries

Liability for unneeded surgeries can be broad

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Patient reassessment is a key physician and nursing responsibility

Establishing a baseline and looking for changes is a part of good health care

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Who's responsible for the negligence of temporary or travel nurses?

Nurse managers and hospitals still have oversight responsibilities

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Without assessment and prevention, it doesn't take long for a hospitalized patient to get a pressure wound

HCA Houston Healthcare West Hospital hit with Medicare citation for inadequate registered nursing supervision of wound care

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National Patient Safety Goals for 2022 call for renewed focus on getting the basic right

Wrong site surgeries, wrong patient care continue to be problems

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Going to a hospital doesn't automatically mean you'll get care from a fully-trained physician

Training and experience makes a difference

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