Can a defendant use my social media posts against me in a Texas medical malpractice lawsuit?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

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What happens when a plastic surgeon ignores or downplays infection symptoms after surgery?

The Texas Medical Board took a disciplinary action against a Houston plastic surgeon who had his office administrator medically evaluate a patient

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Can I sue for medical malpractice in Texas if I signed a consent form?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

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Dermatologist ignores suspicious spot on skin, man is later diagnosed with malignant melanoma

Annual skin checks should allow diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer before it becomes life threatening

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Texas Supreme Court: Chiropractors must inform patients of known risk of vertebral artery dissection and stroke before performing neck manipulations or adjustments

Informed consent requires doctors to disclose to patients the risks and benefits of proposed treatment and alternatives

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Learn why emergency room doctors sometimes miss and don't treat early stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)

New study recommends MRI scans for patients with short-duration stroke symptoms

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What you should know about emergency room triage and medical malpractice

A triage nurse decides which patients need to be seen by an ER physician first

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A year and a half after ER doesn't inform patient of x-ray finding, man dies of cancer

Increase your patient safety by always getting a copy of test results

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Medicare cites HCA Houston Healthcare Northwest with four citations

The facility formerly known as Houston Northwest Medical Center has been hit with Medicare/Medicaid violations in 2015, 2017, and 2019

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It's medical malpractice to perform bariatric weight loss surgery on a patient who doesn't meet the eligibility criteria

Bariatric surgery is a needless safety risk for people who don't meet the qualification standards

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