

Dangerous low sodium needs prompt and proper medical care

Not correcting hyponatremia fast enough, or too quickly, both can cause death

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Houston, Texas medical malpractice attorney Robert Painter files lawsuit that claims: Conroe Regional Medical Center nurses cause pressure sore, bone infection

Nurses can prevent bedsores by following standard safety guidelines.

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Houston, Texas medical malpractice attorney Robert Painter files lawsuit that claims: Cypress OBGYN doctors fail to do Rh factor test & cause newborn brain damage

Simple blood test, which every OB/GYN is supposed to order, protects a baby from brain damage

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Houston, Texas medical malpractice lawyer Robert Painter files lawsuit that claims: Doctor & CVS prescription error causes patient death

OB/GYN prescribed & CVS filled prescriptions for two medications that should not be taken together

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Infections in nursing homes or rehabilitation facilities can be deadly

Facilities must watch for signs of infections, so doctors can treat them promptly

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Nurses and doctors have to watch for dangerous gastric outlet obstruction after bariatric surgery

Patients have to be able to hold down liquids before hospital discharge

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Video: Prenatal visits and fundal height measurement can save lives

Fundal height measurement is a simple test that can prevent many serious pregnancy complications

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How to spot life-threatening infections and sepsis

Hospitals need to make sure that their doctors and nurses are trained to spot and treat infections and sepsis

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