108 Posts

Faq medical malpractice

How does a workers’ compensation lien work in a medical malpractice case?

How does a workers’ compensation lien work in a medical malpractice case?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

Can I pursue a Texas medical malpractice case if my medical records are inaccurate?

Can I pursue a Texas medical malpractice case if my medical records are inaccurate?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

Can defendants use social media as evidence in a Texas medical malpractice lawsuit?

Can defendants use social media as evidence in a Texas medical malpractice lawsuit?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

Can supplements or medications injure a baby during pregnancy?

Can supplements or medications injure a baby during pregnancy?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

Dallas court of appeals defines when a hospital or doctor's duty to disclose malpractice ends

Dallas court of appeals defines when a hospital or doctor's duty to disclose malpractice ends

There's an important difference between the two types of fraudulent concealment

What legal documents should I have in place before going to the hospital or having a surgery?

What legal documents should I have in place before going to the hospital or having a surgery?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

A little-known Texas law gives some medical malpractice victims only 6 months to give notice of their claims

A little-known Texas law gives some medical malpractice victims only 6 months to give notice of their claims

Ancient legal doctrines dating back hundreds of years to England are still at play in Texas when it comes to holding government healthcare providers responsible …

What does it take to file a medical malpractice case in Texas?

What does it take to file a medical malpractice case in Texas?

A successful medical malpractice claim requires more evidence than just a mistake

How do you select the defendants to sue in a Texas medical malpractice case?

How do you select the defendants to sue in a Texas medical malpractice case?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

Can I change what I said during my deposition in Texas?

Can I change what I said during my deposition in Texas?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series