8 Posts


Two risks for families in accepting a rushed diagnosis of brain death

Two risks for families in accepting a rushed diagnosis of brain death

What is brain death? How can you definitively tell if someone is brain dead?

Patients beware: Physician care at rehabilitation facilities can be sparse

Patients beware: Physician care at rehabilitation facilities can be sparse

Some doctors believe seeing a patient once a month is enough

Robert Painter testifies before Texas House of Representatives

Robert Painter testifies before Texas House of Representatives

H.B. 3520 would prevent hospitals from using 'death panels' to dump patients

Video:  Hospital death panels in Texas

Video: Hospital death panels in Texas

'The Minute Lawyer' series video on the shocking truth about how Texas hospitals and doctors can stop treating you, even if it means you will die

A new idea to fix the Texas 'death panel' law

A new idea to fix the Texas 'death panel' law

By eliminating immunity, doctors and hospital committee members would have to think twice before stopping care

Video: Robert Painter speaks about the Texas futile care (death panel) law

Video: Robert Painter speaks about the Texas futile care (death panel) law

Many Texans are surprised to learn that the Advance Directives Act of 1999 allows a hospital committee to act as a 'death panel' that can override a patient or family's treatment wishes

Developments in Texas Advance Directives

Developments in Texas Advance Directives

An issue involving medical futility may come up at any time, whether the patient is young or old, insured or uninsured.

Death panels already exist

Death panels already exist

Although there has been talk of "death panels" during the health care reform debate, we have had them for over a decade in Texas